My Journey towards VBAC


Today is day 21 after I gave birth to my second child, my dearest son.

I wanted to share about my second delivery before I forgot about it, hmm i mean the details.

I wanted to share about my journey to a successful TOS/ VBAC (trial of scar). Although this is my second pregnancy, i was considered as pseudo-primid ( its like the first baby) as my first born Nayla was born thru C-sec.

Note: hope this will help mothers who are trying for normal delivery, don't get me wrong ya. both normal and c-sec do not make us any less a mother, i got the chance to experienced both and I'm just sharing it 

I was very keen for normal delivery, i did a lot of research on which doctors that are popular for normal delivery (hehe). Well working in medical line, i knew the percentage of fail VBAC. Sadly, its true. Not all doctors support VBAC, i don't want to comment on that. hehe..

In my opinion, mothers who keen for VBAC need a very positive and supportive doctors. Hence i began to search for doctors.

The criteria were simple:

1. Female doctor
2. Experienced Doctor
3. Highly reviewed on "pro natural birth/ normal delivery"
4. Near to my parents house

so after few days of "research", i listed on two options:

1. Dr Zana Zalinda from Rampai Puteri Medical Centre ( previously known as Tunku Azizah Maternity & child Hospital)

2. Dr Masita from Ampang Puteri

I make appointment with these two doctors, but we didn't make it to Dr Masita's appointment due to clash of appointment dates and i was told that Dr masita was a visiting gynae at Ampang Puteri.

I want a doctor that can be there for me STAT (mengada i know, hehe)

Anyway during our first visit with Dr Zana Zalinda, i fell in 'love' at first sight! haha, over..

now i know how a good doctor can bring a positive and calm vibe in you.

seriously, she is good la :)

to cut it short, as normal gynae will ask: my delivery option since i have one previous scar.

I still remember I told her: Doctor, I would like to try for Normal Delivery. Can right?

Dr Z: (smile) i was about to ask you this question. Okay you can try for normal delivery but you must bare in mind if there is/are any risk to you/ baby you have to be open minded for c-sec okay? (smile)

Me: of course doctor (happy)

I just need a doctor who supports me, who did not say NO to my delivery wishes.

i had a traumatised c-sec experienced, post operation. That is why I really want to try normal delivery ( if some of you are wondering why I'm so keen for VBAC, hehe)

to cut it short, during every visit she will give me tips on normal delivery.

She is a vey positive doctor, always smiling. No wonder her appointment clinic are always full of patients.

There is one time we came a bit late, around 10. our number was called at around 1.30pm! fuuh..


Im gonna share some tips with all the mothers who would like to try for normal delivery. It helps me a lot, to prepare my body and mind during the labor.

If you want to try for Normal delivery, it is important you prepared it from the moment you know you are pregnant :)

Here are some tips from Dr Zana Zalinda (and me), hope it will help.

1. Niat: always have in mind, always pray that Allah will make it ease for us. In every prayer, ask for guidance. Pray for smooth delivery, pray for what is best for both child and mother. Be specific, Pray for Normal Delivery

2. Dr Zana Zalinda told me i can go for hypnobirthing class. they will teach me breathing/ relaxation technique and etc etc.

Yes I heard they are good. but when i survey, my God it was about rm 1000 + per couple. gulp, so expensive.

And when i told my mom, she delivered 6  children + induced with no drugs! She told me, you zikir je. Say Allahuu in every breathing and while pushing. okay mom, noted! hehe so we didn't went to the hypnobirthing class

3. Do breathing technique, practice and practice! 

if ni take practice, during the labor you wont be able to do it. because of panic or you will forgot if you don't practice it.

Breath in thru the NOSE, breath out thru the MOUTH (OPEN YOUR JAW)

Do this everyday repeatedly okay?

(she also taught me for J breathing technique,but during the labor i failed..hehe..its not easy rupanya )

4. Exercise on the bouncing ball

This is good to open our pelvic area and helps to reduce back pain, seriously it helps a lot!

5. Do Squat & walk at least 15-30 mins per day (especially 3rd trimester onwards for walking)

6. Perineum Massage

- 36- 37 weeks onwards, do it everyday if possible
- I used tanamera VCO

7. Drink Raspberry Leaf Tea

- you can start drink this once a day during 37 weeks onwards
- study shows it help during labor and contraction
- its not easy to find this tea, bought it via online seller thru Instagram

8. Try to control Weight Gain

- this is to avoid big baby and to avoid over-stretching of your tummy ( risk for pain at the c-sec scar)

9. Eat Supplements 

- I took Shaklee Pre natal vitamins
- helps me to control my weight gain.
- gives me a lot of energy, i still can cook/ do house chores although i was maid-less during this pregnancy, hehe
- i even drink ESP (energy soy protein) while i was in the ward to give me energy :)

10. Doa and Do Solat Hajat/ Taubat 

- read Surah Yusuf/ Maryam/ Luqman and selawat to ease delivery.
- recite Doa Nabi Yunus to ease delivery
- ask your parents, husband, family and friends who love you dearly to make prayer for you. I talk about VBAC a lot with my mom, husband and close friend (well actually sorang je who was with me all the time, u know who u are. hehe)

i think when u talk about ur wish, it will become doa. and inshallah Allah will grant it :)

This is all for now, i will share my Labor story in next post.

If anyone have any tips/ story to share, feel free to comment yea.

Okay i better stop blogging, as Nayla has been asking me " ARE YOU DONE, MUMMY?"

ayoooo this girl, hehe..


  1. May i know which clinic is Dr. Zana Zalinda working at?
    Would like to know more about that.

    1. Hi Sorry for the late reply, Dr Zana Zalinda is practicing at RAMPAI PUTERI MEDICAL CENTRE :)

  2. Hi! What a great sharing experience you have here. I also looking forward to ace my VBAC too.
    Same as you, I also experience a traumatised post-operation experience. About the bouncing ball exercise, is there specific way you do it or just by sitting on it and rolling your hips? Just curious

    1. Hi! as long as we set our mind and do everything we can hopefully it will be a success VBAC, as long as we already tried our best right :) for the bouncing ball, i watched YOUTUBE exercise.. u can just search for it :)

  3. Love dr zana!was with her last 2 years and this june will be with her again..she really make me feel calm during labour and the process went so smooth..alhamdulillah..pray for me this june ya!❤

    1. Hi Azleen. May I know which clinic Dr.Zana currently working at? She's no longer working in Rampai Puteri Medical Centre. Tq.

    2. Hi dear, sorry to say that Dr zana Zalinda has migrate to other country and no longer practice now. its so sad for us :(

  4. Hi, do you have Dr. Zana Zalinda contact no?


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