I make milk, whats your superpower?

Dear AN,

Before u were born, mummy was worried about breastfeeding (BF) as I heard many stories whereby there are mothers who were unable to fully breastfed their child. BUT i also heard all the positive stories of breastfeeding and the important tips to do to for fully BF.

On the day u were born, we were "separated" for awhile because u're admiteed to NICU for observation. Hence all the thing that people said about colostrum, mummy pon x sure how to give it to u.. i admit i had difficulty initially to breastfed u.. im a zero experienced mom, i dont know whats latch? how to position my baby while BF? etc etc etc.. but i tried to BF u when i got to visit u just to stimulate the milk..i felt so frustrated with myself when i was unable to produce lots of milk for u..

on the 3rd day of you life, I am able to room in with you.. yeayy i was so happy!! and there the challenges came, i was alone with a crying and hungry baby.. oh my,luckily i was able to express few ounces of EBM but i know that is not enough for u.. and u were awaked every hourly for milk and crying... so the next morning, mummy messaged ur daddy to bring more horlicks drink, ESP and dates.. Alhamdulillah within an hour,milk started to increase :)

so its true what they said about ESP shaklee. it does increase your milk production tremendously :)) and yes im a happy mom when my child is full with my milk! other than that ESP shaklee also gives me alot of energy to wake up at night.. hehe.. i was able to feed u, pump my milk and at the same time wassap with aunty Nisa to keep me occupied while breastpumping,hehe..

so these are few tips on how to increase breastmilk :

1. Niat: kena niat nak susukan baby and bg baby makanan dengan kenyang. i strongly believe in this, doa banyak2 everyday.. i still remember masa susu still seket, doa byk2 before minum ESP n horlicks..n Alhamdulillah Allah beri rezeki susu :)

2. ESP shaklee

3. Horlicks: ni petua my mom (ur nekma Nayla :P)

4. power pumping for BF

- there are alot of techniques for power pumping, tp i ikut yg nurse kat HPJ ajar.. pump susu at night masa baby tgh tido about every 2 hourly and seriously it works! although mmg mengantuk but for the sake of my baby somehow mata ni segar je..now i know the power of mother's love..hehe..

Alhamdulillah with all these, i was able to pump about 7-9 oz per pump :) so all the best mothers, remember never give up on breastfeeding!! we can do it :)

nah belanje sket gambar Nayla happy dapat susu mummy :P


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